Environment Impacts and Sustainability
Contributing to the Net Zero Carbon agenda
With a stated commitment to being net zero carbon by 2030, we are working hard to support Manchester City Council’s target of becoming a net zero-carbon city by 2038, some 12 years ahead of the UK Government’s target of 2050.
In 2022, we published our 18th annual sustainability and impact report entitled ‘Game Plan’ which explains what the Club is doing, as it works towards being credibly net zero carbon by the end of this decade.
These measures include - but are not limited to – zero waste to landfill, rainwater harvesting, enhancing biodiversity, use of local suppliers and service providers, local healthy ethical food at outlets, and encouraging the use of sustainable and active travel.
For all new projects, embedding zero-carbon targets is a key priority. This is guided by an overarching Etihad Campus Strategic Sustainability Framework as well as project specific sustainability proposals.
The Etihad Campus Strategic Sustainability Framework
The Etihad Campus Strategic Sustainability Framework sets a number of overarching principles, which our proposed development would positively contribute to.
Work for everyone, with all users of the Etihad Campus making a positive difference to the needs and priorities of the local community.
Our proposals would provide an opportunity - in conjunction with partners - to transform the Etihad Campus into a major employer of permanent jobs. We are also committed to delivering a ‘Service Sector Training and Skills Academy’, located at the Etihad Campus.
Be a world-class sport, performance and leisure destination that inspires healthy lifestyles and workplaces.
The Club’s charity, City in the Community (CITC) worked with close to 20,000 local people of all ages throughout the 2021/22 season, empowering healthier lives through football. Together with CITC, we want our proposals to continue to support local people to develop core skills that will help their future careers.
Be fully integrated into Manchester’s fabric and take full advantage of the area’s excellent accessibility to public transport.
We are committed to working with our partners across the city to create long-term sustainable transport solutions. As part of our proposals, we are exploring opportunities to improve walking and cycling routes that can be used on both matchday and non-matchday.
Act as a beacon of Manchester’s rapid transition to a zero-carbon city, rich with wildlife and green infrastructure.
The ecology and biodiversity of the Etihad Campus is vital in our ongoing work to mitigate the impact of CO2 emissions. We have planted over 2,500 mature trees, hedgerow and many acres of wild flower and wild grass meadows at City Football Academy. Our proposals would build on our work to date to improve the public realm, creating more soft landscaping and increasing biodiversity-value across the Etihad Campus year-on-year.
A Sustainability Statement will be submitted in support of any future planning application to demonstrate how the proposal responds to the Etihad Campus Strategic Sustainability Framework and best practice across the entire project life cycle.