Creating Jobs & Opportunities
In line with our development of City Football Academy and the expansion of the South Stand, ensuring that any new facilities create jobs, training and social opportunities for the local community in East Manchester remains a key priority.
A combination of training, recruitment and employment policies are all being applied and prioritised for local people.
The Etihad Stadium currently employs a large workforce to support its operation, however the majority of these jobs are temporary and mostly associated with match and event days at the Etihad Campus.
Our development will now provide an opportunity – in conjunction with partners - to transform the Etihad Campus into a major employer of permanent jobs.
For the hotel and our new food and drink operators, this will include:
- Catering And Service
- Hospitality
- Event Management
- Customer Care
- Cleaning
- Stewarding And Security
- Facilities Management
- Hotel Management
We will ensure that new employment opportunities arising from our development are accessible to East Manchester residents and support the retention and attraction of talent to the city.
The workspace will offer flexible leases to support the growth of the companies looking to start-up, as well as the more established companies looking to scale-up.
Attracting these new organisations will provide a basis for future growth in jobs.
Service sector and training skills academy
As part of our development, plans for a ‘Service Sector Training and Skills Academy’ are being explored. It is our intention to deliver this in partnership with Manchester City Council and an education provider.
At present, formal education routes available for people who aspire to build a career in the hospitality sector, particularly those which offer real life practical experience as part of gaining qualifications, are low in number.
We will ensure that the hospitality sector expertise required to manage our entertainment destination will be drawn from local neighbourhoods. We will support the development of skilled and qualified local people, who will be empowered to create an exceptional fan and visitor experience at the Etihad Campus, adopting hospitality as a career of choice.
By offering distinctive learning and training opportunities connected to Manchester City Football Club and City Football Group, there is a huge opportunity to encourage and inspire people of all ages.
In addition to young people who would like to start their career journey, we believe there will be many opportunities for people of all ages to retrain and enter the profession at other levels.