Water Champions

Xylem Water Champions

To mark World Water Day on 22 March 2024, and the final match of the Premier League season (19 May 2024), Xylem - our Official Water Technology Partner - has launched a 59-day ‘Water Champions‘ challenge backed by the psychology of behaviour change, to inspire fans to take action on water.

Following Pep’s ‘Half Time’ team  talk with a twist, the challenge aims to raise awareness of how small, everyday actions can contribute to tackling the world’s water challenges, and demonstrate the positive impact of adopting new behaviours.

The 59 days mirrors the timeframe that psychology experts* suggest it takes for a person to adopt a new behaviour and form a new habit.

*Keller et al. 2021 

Play your Part

Join the Water Champions challenge by submitting a photo or video taking a water responsible action to be in with a chance to win exclusive Man City prizes

Enter Now

Visit the Xylem Water Play Book

for information and tips on the small actions you can take, at home, at work and at play.

Visit Now
