Providing a safe and positive environment is a vital aspect of City in the Community and we take our responsibilities very seriously, in particular where children or other vulnerable people are present at our activities and in the care of our workforce.
All participants and visitors to our activities have the right to feel safe and to be safe. Wherever they come into contact with us they will be treated both lawfully and fairly with dignity and respect.
As an organisation, City in the Community recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people on our activities by a commitment to practice, equality and prevention of bullying and discrimination. All members of our workforce have a duty to keep participants safe and to help protect them from abuse or harm.
If you have a concern about your own safety or the safety and welfare of a child or vulnerable adult on any of our programmes, you can speak to:
*The coach in charge of the activity who will refer to our Safeguarding Officer
*Contact City in the Community’s Safeguarding officer on 0161 438 7842 or via email on [email protected]
For further details or information on our Safeguarding policies, please click here