We’ll follow a player from the moment they wake up on match day through to going home. Our trained tour guides will give the inside knowledge on preparation, fitness, diet, performance analysis, training/warm-up, wellness, and what they are mentally going through before the whistle.
Professional sportsmen and women need the right types and amount of nutrition for the energy they expend, ensuring that digestion happens at the right time so they perform at their peak. The children will explore and see the food and hydration required throughout the big day, along with some surprises along the way.
Our education programs link to the National Curriculum and Exam Board Specifications, created by educational experts and practicing teachers.
Science - Key Stages 2 and 3.
PE - Key Stage 3.
More Information
- Pre-visit, one-hour lesson plan, presentation and printable resources
- Stadium Tour
- Post-visit, one-hour lesson plan, presentation and printable resources.
Set within the regenerated area for the Manchester Commonwealth Games, the Stadium is a hive of activity, jobs and inspiration. Our skilled tour guides don’t just talk about football – their knowledge transcends sport, history and the impact on Manchester itself, creating a fun and interactive experience that every pupil will enjoy regardless of their interest in football.
- Every tour has a tour guide, trained for school trips
- Dedicated and private areas for school workshops
- Welcome centre with toilets (all located on the first floor of the club shop)
- Free pre-planning tickets
- Covered area for lunch
- Free coach parking
Pricing starts from £11 per pupil, with one free teacher for every 5 students for Key Stage 2 and one free teacher for every 10 students for Key Stage 3.