Get your name in the game

We want to do everything we can to ensure that you have the opportunity to be part of our matchday experience. For a chance to have your name on our pitchside LED advertising boards at one or more Home fixtures played in September and October, simply complete your details below:

Terms of Use
• We will only use the personal data you have provided on this form for inclusion in the behind closed door matchday activations, engagements and branding. We will not use the personal data you have provided for any other purpose
• Activations, engagements and branding may also be displayed the Club’s website, social media channels and/or third party broadcaster channels
• We reserve the right to exclude any name that is considered offensive or derogatory or otherwise inappropriate
• Names and images will only appear once, multiple submissions will be excluded
• The name will appear as submitted so please take care when entering your details
• We cannot guarantee that the name or image submitted will appear in any activations. Submissions will be chosen at random
• This opportunity is open to 2019/20 Seasoncard Holders and Hospitality Seasonal Customers only
• Submissions must be received no later than 5:30pm, Wednesday 9th September 2020 for a chance to be included on the pitchside LED advertising boards

By submitting your details, you agree to the use of your data by City Football Group* in accordance with our Privacy Policy. *City Football Group refers to Manchester City, City Football Group, and its affiliated companies.
