How do I update my Cup Scheme payment details?
Edited 3 month(s) ago
To update your Cup Scheme payment details, follow the guide below:
First, go to then click the silhouette icon in the top right corner of the page and select 'My Account'
Then click 'My Ticketing Account'
Select 'Cup Schemes' on the left-hand side of the page.
Tick ONE of the Cup Schemes that you are enrolled in and click 'Update Payment Card'
Then select the Cup Schemes that you are enrolled in and click 'ADD NEW CARD'
Re-enter your card details, or update with a different card if you choose to do so
Click Save and you will then be able to authorise the payment, depending on how you have this set up with your bank provider which will pass the 3DS2 check
Once you have authorised this, ensure that all of the Cup Schemes that you are enrolled into are ticked, then click 'OK'