How do I make payment for my Flexi-Gold Season Ticket via payment plan?
Edited 3 month(s) ago
On the 1st of each month (from July to April), we will automatically take payment from your registered payment card.
If that payment is unsuccessful, you will receive an email with a link to make payment. Once you click the link to make the payment you will see the below (please note this is an example image and the price is not representative of Flexi-Gold Season Ticket).
Click 'Update Payment' to make your instalment payment, you have the option to tick the box (highlighted in red) if you want to update the card for future use (If you would like to use the paying card for a one-off payment and not save the card, do not tick the box).
You will then see the below, enter the card details to make payment:
Once payment is made successfully you will see the below and receive a confirmation email: