Season Ticket Information
A family member has passed away. We would like to retain the Season Ticket in the family, is this possible?
Edited 3 month(s) ago
Yes, you can retain the Season Ticket within the family.
Your request must be submitted in writing, providing the following information:
- A copy of the death certificate.
- Proof of family relationship.
- The name, supporter number, address and contact details (email and contact telephone number) of the deceased supporter.
- The name, any existing supporter number, address, contact details (email and contact telephone number) and date of birth of the family member to which the Season Ticket is to be transferred.
- A photo ID may also be required.
Upon receipt of this information, we will transfer the Season Ticket to the new supporter’s name. The deceased supporter’s file will then be deactivated.
Please note: Any Ticket Points accrued on the deceased supporter file are not transferable. Any Ticket Points attributed to the new sale will be awarded to the new Season Ticket holder, as appropriate.